As companies across a wide range of sectors in Singapore are grappling with a manpower crunch in a tight labour market, TODAY’s Voices section is publishing first-hand accounts from business owners.
In this instalment, Mr Chuang Shin Wee, 44, describes how his technology startup’s own product, artificial intelligence chatbots, helped solve the firm’s own manpower issues in two ways.
Publication: Today
Author: Chuang Shin Wee

We already had the technical know-how to build sophisticated AI tools, so it didn’t take long for our engineers to create an AI chatbot that solved one of our own problems: Handling myriad human resource-related matters.
I founded in 2016 to build artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots that help businesses improve operational efficiency and marketing effectiveness. We have 16 full-time employees across Singapore and Malaysia.
As a startup, we struggled with manpower issues from day one. Initially, our biggest problem was to convince talent to not only join an unknown startup, but to also accept a lower salary than the big multinationals.
The pandemic exacerbated this problem as demand for local tech talent shot up.
This was especially challenging from mid-2021 until March 2022.
With insufficient manpower, we were often forced to turn away business opportunities, especially those abroad. Many of our employees were also asked to wear multiple hats.
To our surprise, our young employees welcomed this as they get to embark on an accelerated career path, exposed to more “higher-level things” than they would otherwise experience in similar positions at other companies.
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